The Sustainable Development Goals - Mistico Park

At Mistico Park, we are dedicated to building a more sustainable and equitable world. In this post, we will explore the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations and how Mistico Park contributes to their realization. From ending poverty to taking climate action, we invite you to uncover how our practices and approach support these global objectives.

Mistico Park's Focus on Sustainable Development Goals

At Mistico Park, we take pride in our dedication to sustainability and the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. These SDGs provide a valuable global framework for addressing critical challenges our world faces in terms of sustainable development, equality, and environmental protection.

While we share a commitment to certain goals, we wish to emphasize that our management may not be fully aligned with all ideologies reflected in the SDGs. We recognize and respect the diversity of perspectives and approaches that exist in relation to these goals.

It is important to note that, in many cases, the unique values and circumstances of Mistico Park may lead us to prioritize certain goals over others. Our mission is to contribute to the well-being of our local community, biodiversity, and Costa Rica's natural environment. As a result, some of the SDGs align more closely with our vision and practices, while others may require careful adaptation to fit our specific priorities.

We are committed to continuing to explore innovative ways to contribute to the fulfillment of the SDGs that best reflect our philosophy and mission. Our aim is always to be transparent and responsible in our pursuit of a sustainable future, and we are excited to share this journey with our visitors and the global community.

We deeply value the conversations and mutual learning that can arise from diverse perspectives, and we are open to ongoing dialogue about how best to address these important objectives within the context of our vision and values.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals:

  1. No Poverty: We collaborate with local communities to promote economic development and reduce poverty in the region.
  2. Zero Hunger: We promote sustainable agricultural practices and support local farmers to achieve food security.
  3. Good Health and Well-being: We encourage a healthy lifestyle through outdoor activities and connection with nature.
  4. Quality Education: We partner with local educational institutions to provide inclusive and quality educational opportunities.
  5. Gender Equality: We recognize and support the strength of women and men in our communities, promoting not just equality but gender equity in all our initiatives.
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation: We implement sustainable water management practices and raise awareness about the importance of water.
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy: We seek energy efficiency and promote renewable energy sources.
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth: We generate local and sustainable jobs, contributing to economic growth in our region.
  9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: We improve our operations and promote innovation in the sustainable tourism industry.
  10. Reduced Inequalities: We work to reduce inequalities in our communities and society at large.
  11. Sustainable Cities and Communities: We promote sustainable tourism and contribute to the equitable development of our communities.
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production: We adopt responsible consumption practices and waste reduction in all our operations.
  13. Climate Action: We take steps to reduce our carbon footprint and raise awareness about climate change.
  14. Life Below Water and on Land: We support conservation actions for our aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems through sustainable practices.
  15. Life on Land: We engage in the restoration and conservation of terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity.
  16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: We foster peace and justice through transparent and responsible practices in all our operations.
  17. Partnerships for the Goals: We collaborate with local and international partners to strengthen our impact and promote sustainability.


At Mistico Park, we believe that each of us can make a difference in building a more sustainable future. Through our commitment to sustainability, we seek to inspire others and be a role model in the pursuit of a healthier and more equitable planet for future generations. Thank you for being part of our community and for your continued support in our mission to foster sustainability and connection with nature.

Join us on this exciting journey towards sustainability!